Gratitude XIII Charity Gala Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem

His Excellence Capt Stanislav Holák.

Gran Priory of Slovakia of the Most Noble Order of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
Dear Stanislav.From the Commandery of Andalusia and on behalf of the Grand Priory of Spain, I want to send you my most sincere gratitude for having contributed to the success of the XIII Charity Gala that was held last Saturday, July 13th.

With the proceeds raised from the celebration of the XIII Gala, we will be able to finance hospital objectives of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
For this reason I reiterate my gratitude and that of the end users, the main beneficiaries of your collaboration.

Thank you for helping us take another step forward in our hospitable spirit.

Rafael Alvarez and Alvarez
Commander of Andalucía

Atavis et Armis
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